Monday, November 16, 2009

Active Directory Health Checks for Domain Controllers


The Event Viewer is always a must to checked.

Dcdiag.exe /v >> c:\temp\pre_dcdiag.txt
Will tell you if there is trouble with your DCs and/or services associated with it .

Netdiag.exe /v >> c:\temp\pre_Netdiag.txt
This will let me know if there are issues with the networking components on the DC. 

Netsh dhcp show server >> c:\temp\pre_dhcp.txt
This allows to verify the server count and names.

Repadmin /showreps >> c:\temp\pre_rep_partners.txt
This shows all replication and if it was successful or not. 

repadmin /replsum /errorsonly >> c:\temp\pre_repadmin_err.txt
This is the one that always takes forever but will let you know who you are having issues replicating with.

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